Monday, August 2, 2010


I'm one of those slightly wacko dreamers who is constantly riding the wave of inspiration.

Whether it be a friend's casual words, a line of a song, a pretty picture, or even a refrigerator commercial, it doesn't take much to exhilarate my excitable mind.

In many ways it's a good thing; it's nice to feel encouraged. On the other hand... there are five fingers.

Sorry, that's my bad Monday joke. It really is quite bad, isn't it.

On the other hand... it's a little featherbrained and distracting to be constantly wired about a passing new fad.

But, nonetheless, I often surf the web for pretty photos that inspire me. It's a thing I do when I should be doing far more important things. Which is often.

Images inspire me to recognise beauty more, to love harder, to appreciate the calm of simplicity and, of course, to blog more!

I will soon tell you more about why I have been so quiet on here, and what has been claiming the feeble remains of my time.

Have a great start to the week.

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