Saturday, August 20, 2011

We interrupt this program to take a short break.

Hello bosom buddies. 
Yes, I really did just say 'bosom' on my blog. Someone lock up this wild child, she's  out of control!
I'd been planning to finally pull my finger out and blog today about our recent trip to Shanghai. But then it occurred to me that I'd blog about Shangahi, and then likely not blog again for weeks, and that that post would sit there all alone, surrounded by... nothingness. Poor lonesome blog post. Sniff.

You see, I need a wee little blogging break. Until mid-September. Is that OK? The next two weeks are going to be bigger busier than Ben Hur for me. And every intuitive streak I have (I'm never right about anything) knows I just can't blog at the moment. And then on September 3rd, B is rewarding me for all my hard work by taking us to a beautiful resort in Thailand for 10 nights. Which spells more blogging blockage.

So I've decided to take a few weeks off from blogging, and when I get back, I will be fresh and rested and bursting with blog inspiration. I also just joined the Blog Her network this week, so this really isn't the best time to take a blogging vacation. But I will be back in a few weeks soon, I promise. Stay with me?

And what I always find time for is reading blogs. So please keep blogging, you beautiful bloggers.
See you on the other side.

p.s. I always find time for fabulous dinner parties with good friends (right) and the cute man (left). I heart him so.


  1. enjoy your time off...we're all gonna be here when you get back anxious to read what you've been up to <3

  2. Hey love, I've been slack on the blog front too of late - maybe it's the heat?! Enjoy your break in Thailand! We're off on Saturday to Phuket for a week. CANNOT wait. Lots of love xx

  3. I feel slightly deprived I've just join your wonder blog, but if you need a break take it. Not that I can stop you. When you get back please take time out to check my blog out at Deliciously Happy

  4. Thanks so much for your sweet comment


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